Vegetarian Ham and Pine Nuts Fried Rice

I.      Recipe name: Vegetarian Ham and Pine Nuts Fried Rice

II.      Ingredients:

  1. 3 Tablespoons pine nuts

  2. ½ pound baby bok choy*

  3. ½ cup diced carrot

  4. 1 cup diced vegetarian ham**

  5. 3 cups cooked rice

III.      Seasonings:

  1. 1 teaspoon salt

  2. 1 teaspoon vegetarian seasoning*

IV.      Directions:

  1. Dice baby bok choy, vegetarian ham and carrots. Set aside.

  2. Fry pine nuts until light golden brown.

  3. Preheat 1 Tablespoon cooking oil in a frying pan. Stir-fry vegetarian ham until fragrant. Remove from heat and set aside. Add 1 Tablespoon cooking oil and fry white rice, baby bok choy, carrots, and seasonings. Add pine nuts and fried vegetarian ham. Mix well and serve.

V.      Recipe provider:  Xiuxia Li      Photo: Fanrun Kang

Note* Available in Asian markets.
 ** Available in Asian markets or most vegetarian food stores.


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