I. Recipe name:
Watercress Carrot Soup with Lycium Berries
II. Ingredients:
1 pound watercress
1 carrot
A little canned vegetarian beef burger**
1 Tablespoon lycium berries*
1 slice ginger
10-12 cups water
III. Seasonings:
- 1 ½
teaspoons salt
- 1 ½
teaspoons vegetarian seasoning*
- 1 teaspoon
vegetable oil (optional)
IV. Directions:
- Wash and
cut the watercress into small sections; cut carrots into slices; soak the
lycium berries for one minute, drain and set aside.
- Add the
ginger slice into water and bring to boil. And then add in
watercress, carrot, lycium berries, and cook for 15 minutes. Add in the
- Add in the
vegetarian beef burger, bring the soup to boil and serve.
V. Recipe provider: Xiuxia
Li Photo: Fanrun Kang
Available in Asian markets.