Beetroot Soup with Lotus Seeds and Chinese Herbs

Recipe name:
Beetroot Soup with Lotus Seeds and Chinese Herbs
2 red beets
4 slices Radix Dioscoreae Oppostae (Huai Shan)
2 Tablespoons Gordon Euryale Seed
4 Tablespoons peanuts
2 Tablespoons lotus seeds*
2 Tablespoons black-eyed peas
2 Tablespoons chickpea
2 Tablespoons red kidney beans
2 Tablespoons Lacelesf lily bulb*
3 Tablespoons cashew nuts
3 Tablespoons walnuts
Some Coastal Glehnia Root
Some Fragrant Solomonseal
6 chestnuts*
10 ears dried black mushroom*
1 dried tangerine peel
6 honey dates*
16 cups water
Salt (optional)
Wash the beetroot to clean, peel off the skin, cut into chunks.
Soak the dry black mushroom in water, wash to clean, cut off the tip.
Soak the
Tangerine Peel in water, wash to clean,
scrape off the white part.
Soak the peanuts in water for 30 minutes, set aside.
Soak the chestnuts in hot water for 10 minutes, peel off the skin, set
Wash the following as listed below to clean, set aside:
Dioscorea opposite,
Gordon Euryale Seed, peanuts, lotus
seeds, chickpea, red kidney bean, Lancelesf Lily Bulb, Cashews, walnuts,
Coastal Glehnia Roots, Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome, chestnuts, black
mushroom, tangerine peel, and honey dates.
Bring the water to boil, add all of the ingredients into the pot, bring to
boil again, simmer in low heat for 3 hours, and then the soup is ready.
(seasonings are optional).
May cook with
the vegetarian meat stew.
Recipe provider: Xiuxia
Li Photo: Fanrun Kang