Indonesia Thousand Layers Chocolate Cake


I.    Recipe name: Indonesia Thousand Layers Chocolate Cake

II.    Ingredients:

  1. 2 packages Indonesia manioc flour* (also called cassava or yucca), 500g each

  2. 320g brown sugar for each manioc flour package

  3. 100g coconut milk (or coconut powder)*

  4. 45g chocolate (or vanilla)

  5. A little butter, a pinch of salt

  6. 2 and 7/10 cups water for each manioc flour package

III.    Directions:

Prepare two types of mixtures

  1. Mix well 1 package manioc flour, brown sugar, coconut milk (or coconut powder), and water.

  2. Mix well 1 package manioc flour, chocolate, brown sugar, and water.

  3. Add 1/3 teaspoon salt and cooking oil to each of the above mixtures.

  4. Pour the chocolate mixture into steamware (about ¼ high), steam for 13 minutes until well done.

  5. Steam the coconut mixture as the second layer to well cooked (firm, not sticky); the third layer and above neither too firm nor overcooked.

  6. Alternate mixtures for each layer. Steam until done, slice, cool down and serve.

IV.    Recipe provider: Pinliang Huang

Note* Available in Asian markets.


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