Pineapple Fried Rice


I.     Recipe name: Pineapple Fried Rice 

II.     Ingredients:

  1. 1 whole pineapple
  2. 50g vegetarian chicken**, diced and pan-fried
  3. 2 shiitake mushrooms*, soaked in water until soft, diced and stir-fried
  4. A small slice of bean curd pocket, diced and stir-fried
  5. 3 stalks lemon grass, diced; use only the middle section
  6. 2 carrots, diced
  7. 1 stalk celery, trim off the tough root area and cubed
  8. 2 bowls white rice

III.     Seasonings:

  1. 1 teaspoon each of salt and fruit  seasoning*
  2. Pinch of sugar
  3. Pinch of black pepper

IV.    Cooking utensils:

  1. Non-stick wok
  2. Rice cooker

V.     Directions:

  1. Slice off one side of the pineapple, approximately 4 inches wide and ½ an inch deep. Hollow out the pineapple fruit, diced, and a dash of salt and bean starch to enhance the flavor. Set the shell aside.
  2. Heat the cooking oil in a frying pan. Sauté the lemon grass. Then stir-fry the pineapples, vegetarian chicken, shiitake mushrooms, bean curd pocket, carrots, and celeries. Set aside.
  3. Stir-fry the cooked white rice, add in all stir-fried ingredients and seasonings; stir-fry until well mixed. Place the fried rice in the pineapple shell and serve.

Note * Available in Asian markets.
         ** Available in Asian markets or most vegetarian food stores.


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