Coconut Soup Delicacy


I.     Recipe name: Coconut Soup Delicacy

II.     Ingredients: (Yields 4 servings)

  1. 1 fresh coconut*, cut off the shell, sliced the coconut
  2. 1 oz. ginseng feeler*
  3. 2 oz. dried black fungus*
  4. 20 or more red dates*
  5. Few small pieces vegetarian meat**
  6. 2 fresh lily bulb*

III.     Directions:

  1. Add all the ingredients in a pot with 10 cups water, and stew in low heat.
  2. Bring the soup to a boil and cook for 2 hours. Add a dash of salt and serve.

IV.     Recipe provider: HaoRan Xiao

Note * Available in Asian markets.
  ** Available in Asian markets or most vegetarian food stores.


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