Steamed Tofu With Hot-Pickled Mustard Root Shredds


I.     Recipe name: Steamed Tofu With Hot-Pickled Mustard Root Shredds

II.     Ingredients:

  1. 1 package tofu*
  2. 1 package hot-pickled mustard root*, julienne cut
  3. 3 thin slices vegetarian ham**, julienne cut
  4. 1 red chili pepper       

III.     Directions:

  1. Cut tofu into small cubes and place into a plate.
  2. Sprinkle vegetarian ham on top of the tofu.
  3. Add hot-pickled mustard root and red chili pepper.
  4. Steam for 10 minutes. Add sesame oil and soy sauce. Serve.

Note * Available in Asian markets.
         ** Available in Asian markets or most vegetarian food stores. 


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