Tofu With Twin Mushrooms 


I.     Recipe name: Tofu With Twin Mushrooms

II.     Ingredients:

1.      2 pieces tofu* 

2.      4 oz. fresh straw mushrooms

3.      3 oz. oyster mushrooms*

4.      Few slices ginger

5.      Some cilantro leaves

III.    Seasonings:

  1. Pinch black pepper, salt, sugar
  2. Starch solution: mix 1 ½ Tablespoons lotus root powder with water and light soy sauce 

IV.     Directions:

  1. Wash the mushrooms and drain.
  2. Pan-fry the tofu with some cooking oil. Sprinkle salt, sugar, and black pepper on top. Transfer the fried tofu to a plate.
  3. Sauté ginger and the mushrooms; add a little sugar.
  4. Then add in the tofu and bring to a boil.
  5. Add in the starch solution and continue to stir. Transfer to a plate.
  6. Sprinkle with cilantro on top.

V.     Recipe provider: Yuqun Chen

Note * Available in Asian markets.


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